Advertise with Us

Advertise in our fortnightly publication and be seen by 15,000 readers across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Coventry and Birmingham and beyond.

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If you had something else in mind, just ask and we’ll be happy to provide a bespoke service that we’re sure will exceed your expectations.

Please ask for specific sizes if you’d like to send us ready-made artwork. We do not retain the copyright, meaning you can use it elsewhere. Please send hi-res files (300dpi CMYK) in either pdf, jpeg, tiff or eps to [email protected]. Sender must have copyright or permission from the photographer to use the image/s.

All advertisements are accepted subject to the approval of the copy and the right of the company to alter, reject, suspend or cancel any order without assigning a reason. We regret we are unable to guarantee insertion dates. Cancellation may incur a full or partial cost, dependant on deadline.


Every issue, 5,000 copies of Aspire are distributed across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Birmingham and Coventry, attracting a targeted readership of 15,000.

Through carefully selected distribution points, which include train stations, bus stations, health and leisure centres, golf clubs and top hotel chains, as well as the main consumer retail outlets, we attract ABC1 consumers in their leisure time. Distribution is carried out through an independent agency and the magazine is prominently promoted at all distribution points, in our own branded units.

Each issue of Aspire is also uploaded as a downloadable PDF to our website, where it is available for six months. Advertisers will also receive mentions and/or shares on our social media during the week of publication.

Advertising with Aspire offers your business an unrivalled opportunity to reach consumers across the East Midlands, and beyond – copies of the magazine have reached as far afield as Aberystwyth, Edinburgh and Weymouth.